PIPING-KNOWLEDGE has useful guide for piping engineers. including piping layout , piping supports , codes and standards, software learning like aveva E3d , Pdms , Caesar II. site contain different piping layout .It also content video animations of valves and oil and gas refining process.site has overal piping engineering guide which is useful for piping engineer.

Cleaning and Flushing Methods MECHANICAL CLEANING METHODS The following is a summary of various mechanical methods used in cleaning piping a...

Cleaning and Flushing Methods


The following is a summary of various mechanical methods used in cleaning piping and components:

Cloths or rags should be lint-free
Water or solvent is typically used in conjunction with the handwipe cleaning process.

Wire Brushing
Either hand or power driven wire brushing is an effective method of cleaning small sections of piping
Use corrosion resistant brush material on stainless steel components and do not use the same brushes on both stainless and carbon steel 

Tube Cleaning Brushes
Air, water, or electric powered expanding type power brushes that drive air or water through the brush provides a method of power flushing the interior surfaces of piping
The water used to flush the interior surfaces of the piping must be compatible with the piping system cleanliness
Do not use air driven brushes that require lubricated air if the motor air enters the pipe
Do not use tube cleaning brushes through valves, strainers, flow orifices, or other sensitive components
Avoid using tube cleaning brushes through socket welded or short radius fittings Grinding
Grinding wheels and discs used for cleaning should only be vitrified or resinoid bonded aluminum oxide or silicon carbide
Aluminum oxide flapper wheels and buffing discs provide effective mechanical cleaning on exterior surfaces
Rotary files can be used for localized cleaning but should be faced with tungsten or titanium carbide

Shot or Grit Blasting
Blasting is typically performed to the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) standards
Do not blast through sensitive components
Only use iron-free grit for blasting stainless steel surfaces
Sand grit may be used on carbon steel buttwelded piping
Do not blast areas requiring liquid penetrant examinations
For 2 inch and smaller piping, a radial type blast nozzle may be       inserted into the pipe to blast the interior surface

Mechanical cleaning operations are usually followed by hand cleaning of accessible internal surfaces and by air blow or water rinse of inaccessible internal surfaces. Air blowing is preferred after a shot or grit blast.


Vacuum cleaning can be used for the removal of metal chips and airborne foreign
materials while working or for local cleanup subsequent to work operations.


Filtered, oil-free compressed air is used in the following applications to clean piping:
Local cleanup of foreign material produced during erection or fabrication
Drying of previously wetted systems

Care must be exercised to direct the air blow and particles away from internal
surfaces of the components being cleaned. Particles must also not be blown
through or at sensitive components.


The following solvents are typically used to clean piping:
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol)
Methyl alcohol (Methanol) anhydrous
Isopropyl alcohol
Toluene which is useful in removing silicone based lubricants
Distilled Petroleum Spirits or Mineral Spirits
For lined piping, solvents used for cleaning must be compatible with the lining
material. When bristle brushes are used in conjunction with solvent cleaning, they
must be non shedding.


Water blast cleaning or hydrolasing consists of a high pressure , low volume  water jetting of the internal surfaces of the piping system to remove rust, mill scale, oil, and other foreign materials.Radial type spray nozzles that drag the supply hose or push type cleaning nozzles should be used.

When cleaning carbon steel or alloy steel piping, 0.5% to 1% by weight of trisodium
phosphate should be used.

Water quality must be compatible for use on the piping system being cleaned. The water jet must not come in contact with valve seats, flow nozzles, or other sensitive components. After cleaning carbon steel and alloy steel systems, the pipe must be dried by air blowing or other methods.


Several methods of system flushing are used to clean piping systems. In general,
the water used for flushing must be compatible with the system being cleaned. After
the completion of the flush, carbon steel and alloy steel systems must be air dried.

Recirculating Flush

This flushing method uses a single batch of water which is recirculated under
pressure through the piping system in a closed path at a prescribed velocity through
strainers, filters, or demineralizers to remove debris and water impurities.

Velocity Flush

A cleaning technique that utilizes the ability of the rapidly flowing liquid or air to scrub, sweep, and scour foreign material from internal walls of the system. Particles picked up in the flush are sent out as waste or trapped and collected on mesh screens or filters. The effective velocity should exceed the design flow rate by two times through the system to perform as desired.

Soaking Method

This process is used when it is not possible to achieve flow by the recirculating method due to the inlet connections or tube shapes for vessels. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires a stronger solution to perform the cleaning and sampling is not as accurate.

Acid Cleaning

This process cleans the internal surfaces of water touched pressure parts to remove
mill scale and rust. The acid solution reacts with iron scale and forms ferric oxide.

Chemical Cleaning

This process uses the circulation of a hot alkaline water or citric acid solution through
the pipe systems to remove oil, grease, fitting lacquers, preservatives, inhibitors, and
possible siliceous materials from carbon steel piping and equipment. The hot 
alkaline water is followed by an acid solution flush to remove iron oxide and mill scale. The acid solution flush liquid is neutralized and flushed out of the piping system.


Wetting Additives

Wetting agents are used to improve the contact of a cleaning solution with the pipe
and equipment. The additives reduce the surface tension of the cleaning solution
and thereby enhance the cleaning of the metal. Because they are detergent based,
the wetting agents tend to foam which may not be acceptable in all applications.

Anti-Foam Agent

These agents are sometimes used when detergents are added to chemical cleaning
solutions. Their use maintains a low foaming level during cleaning and discharging
of the solution to the waste collection system or tank.

Acid Inhibitors

When added to the cleaning solutions, these inhibitors allow higher cleaning
temperatures and slow the reaction between the cleaning solution and the piping or
equipment base metal.

Chemical Cleaning Set-up

Temporary equipment is usually required to perform any on-site cleaning. A P&ID should be marked up and reviewed showing:
Scope of the cleaning
Desired flow path
All temporary piping and instruments
Heating source for the operation
Strainer and filter locations

All temporary pipe should adhere to the following:

Pipe should be Schedule 40 minimum
Welded joints should be used to prevent leaks
Check gaskets to ensure they are compatible with the heat and chemicals being used
Monitor the system to prevent over pressurization

Temporary Instruments

Make sure temporary glass site gauges installed
Provide differential pressure gauges across strainers to indicate fouling or flow reduction
Install temperature indicators to monitor flushing temperatures

Solution Heating Equipment

There are two methods for heating chemical cleaning solutions.
Direct contact method
Steam supply heat exchanger

Flushing Safety

Safety measures such as warning signs, barriers, or temporary personnel insulation
should be considered. Review all chemical flushing with the Site Safety Representative before starting the flush. .

Chemical Cleaning Set-up

Mechanical cleaning (line-pig) can be used to knock loose dirt and sand particles
and remove oil and grease from the interior piping walls. Filtered well water, plant
water, or city water is normally used for line-pigging of the system. The drums and
coolers required for the cleaning are normally prepared by the vendors prior to the
equipment arriving at the site.
Following the mechanical cleaning and field assembly of required temporary piping,
the acid solution is applied to remove scaling. Whenever possible, agitate the piping
to shake any loose materials free. After the acid cleaning, rinse the system with
fresh water. When using citric acid, a fresh water rinse is not normally performed.
The descaled pipe is then passivated to prevent further corrosion by applying a
phosphate coating. Any of three different solutions are typically used:

Monosodium phosphate
Disodium phosphate
Sodium nitrate

After being passivated, the system is dried using dry nitrogen or filtered, dry
compressed air.
Do not flush the passivated system with water. After drying,
inspect the piping to be sure it is free of rust, mill scale, or other foreign material and
restore and close the system tightly. Blanket the system with inert gas, apply a rust
preventative, or fill the system with oil to minimize rusting in the system. 

Lube Oil Flushing

Prior to any lube oil flushing operation, it is important to check supplier, engineering,
and client requirements for the flushing operation to ensure that the criteria for the
conduct and acceptance of the flush is clearly understood. It is best to have a specific procedure or instruction defining the flushing operation approved by all parties prior to the start of the work. 
The first step in lube oil flushing is to chemically clean and passivate all associated piping, heat exchangers and vessels. 

The following are the normal steps used in a lube oil flush:

Prepare jumpers around seals and bearing housings as close as possible to the
Charge the system with the specified oil. The fill amount should give an operating level near that for which the system was designed.
Install 100 mesh screen in the return line to the reservoir.
Circulate the flushing oil for a minimum of hours at the maximum recommended temperature while hammering the piping, switching valves, and cycling bearing and seal oil rundown tanks (if so equipped). 
When clean, remove all temporary jumpers, and reconnect all permanent piping.
Install 100 
mesh screens at the inlet to each bearing. Install blinds in the seal oil
system, if so equipped, so as not to flush through the seals.

Unless otherwise specified by the supplier, continue to circulate the flushing oil in
hour increments until all screens are clean.
When clean, remove temporary jumpers, reconnect all permanent piping,
remove screens, replace filters and clean filter housings. Check pump inlet
screens and clean if needed.
Circulate oil for a minimum of hours.
Discard filters and clean the filter housings. The client may want to see the
discarded screens to verify the adequacy of the lube oil flush.

Plant Steam Start-up

The set-up to perform plant steam starting begins when the system is being placed
in service. Begin with a walkdown of the system looking for any discrepancies,

checking the hydrotesting restoration. The following steps represent one method to
start-up for plant steam and are done with concurrence and direction of Startup
and/or Client representative:
Check gaskets and valve line ups.
Tag-out the system as needed
Open drain valves
Close all steam trap inlets to prevent clogging
Start Boiler and open isolation valves
As the system heats up let the condensate and steam run freely out the open drains. After the condensate has slowed to a steady rate begin opening steam trap branches and closing the drains.
Replace or repair any steam trap not functioning properly.


The following guidelines should be followed to maintain system cleanliness during
fabrication, installation, and rework operations:
To keep a system clean, start with clean materials. During work operations,
keep the materials in a clean condition.
Apply rust preventatives to the internal surfaces of carbon steel components.
Preventatives must normally be removed prior to turnover.
Keep openings into components sealed when work is not actually in progress.
Perform localized cleanup after completing work operations and prior to reclosing
the system.
Protect clean systems in the vicinity of foreign matter or dirt producing work
operations. This can be done by establishing clean areas and by using internal
dams or external encapsulation when systems are opened.
Establish a foreign object and access control procedures for clean areas.
Immediately remove all visible metal particles or chips after cutting.
Do not use flame cutting in areas where slag may blow into inaccessible
Do not cut pipe in a vertical position if there is a possibility of cutting chips falling
into inaccessible areas.
Clean grinding dust from a ground out area prior to breaking through the wall or
root pass to prevent the dust from entering the clean system.
Use magnetic drill bits to drill holes in carbon or alloy steel pipe to minimize the
entry of metal particles. Frequently clean holes during the drill operation.
Use hole saws when cutting chips cannot be easily removed form internal
surfaces. Holes should be cleaned just prior to breaking through and the plug
should be immediately be removed.
Clean the ends of threaded pipe to remove lubricant and metal chips at the
completion of threading.
Provide an oil-free air blow of all field fabricated piping assemblies, including
valves, to remove loose foreign material.
Seal the openings in completed field fabricated piping assemblies until installed.
Provide desiccant on the inside of the completed pipe assembly if required by the
project specifications.
Prior to fitting or bolting up flanged or other mechanical joints, clean flange faces
of mill varnish or other preservatives.
Cover tack welded pipe joints to prevent the entry of dust until the joint is to be
welded out.






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Pipe Wall Thickness calculation






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PIPE RACK Pipe racks are frame structures that support pipes and  auxiliary equipment  in the process areas of industrial plants. Just like ...


Pipe racks are frame structures that support pipes and auxiliary equipment in the process areas of industrial plants. Just like loads from the wind and or earthquakes, piping loads can vary greatly from project to project. Clearly, it is difficult to define specific criteria for the design of such structures.

Pipe racks are necessary for arranging the process and utility pipelines throughout the plant. It connects all the equipment (installed at a different location) with lines that can not run through adjacent areas.

Pipe racks are also used in secondary ways, as it also carries the electrical wire, instrument wire, fire fighting systems, lights, etc. Air-cooled or fin-fan type heat exchangers are often supported above pipe racks to reduce the plant space requirements.

Pipe Rack Type

There are mainly three types of Pipe rack-

  • Steel Structure Type

  • RCC Structure Type

  • Sleeper Type (This is also called Pipe Track)

Documents Required for Pipe Rack Development

  • PFD (Process Flow Diagram)
  • P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram)
  • Line List
  • Line Routing Diagram or GAD
  • Over All Plot Plan
  • Unit Plot Plan
  • Equipment Layout
  • Piping Material Specifications
  • Client Specification
  • Fire-Proofing Information Fiverr

Line Placing Criteria for Pipe Rack

  • Group the utility and process lines.
  • Keep hot and cold lines away from each other to minimize the heat transfer.
  • For ease of support to expansion loops, always try to keep the hotlines near to the stanchion or column.
  • If the lines are heavy, keep those lines near to the stanchion or column to minimize the stress (bending moment) on the horizontal beam or member.
  • Do not get confused that if the line size is greater the line will be heavier, no it’s not like that, as the gas-filled lines will create less stress on the horizontal beam than the liquid-filled lines.
  • Once we can compromise with weight, but never ever compromise in case of temperature, always maintain enough space between the lines.
  • We should avoid keeping a temperature-sensitive process line near high-temperature lines. For example, if the instrument-air line is placed near to the high-temperature line, it will absorb the temperature and can harm the instrument or instrument diaphragm.
  • We should also avoid keeping the temperature-sensitive lines near to chilled lines, as the other line can absorb the moisture, and further, it can be problematic for that particular line.
  • In the hydrocarbon and chemical industry, avoid keeping utility lines below the process line (means the process lines will be kept on the first tier and utility lines on the second tier. As in the case of leakage of the process fluid, water may get contaminated (as the water line is a utility line), and it can be harmful to the person.
  • In the food and pharmaceutical industry, it is mandatory to keep utility lines below the process lines to maintain the purity of the product.
  • If possible, keep the supply and return lines near each other, as these lines are having minimum temperature difference, and so heat transfer is less. Example: steam and condensate, cooling water supply, and chilled water supply and return.
  • To balance the width of the pipe rack of different tiers, water, air, nitrogen such lines can be kept on any of the tiers, there is no restriction to such utility lines.
  • Always try to keep future expansion in the middle of the beam, as it can help initially to reduce the stress in the beam.
  • Future expansion shall be a minimum of 20 % of the total pipe rack width calculation, and maximum what else comes if space is not a problem.
  • Make sure that the flanges are staggered to minimize the pipe rack width

While designing pipe rack following considerations have to take care:-
  • Rack width,
  • No of levels and elevations,
  • Bent spacing, pipe flexibility,
  • Access and maintenance of each item in the pipe rack.
Calculate the width of Pipe rack

w= (f X n X s) + A + B. 
f : Safety Factor
  • 1.5 if pipes are counted from PFD.
  • 1.2 if pipes are counted from P&ID.
n = number of lines in the densest area up to size 450NB.
  • 300 mm (Estimated average spacing)
  • 225 mm (if lines are smaller than 250 NB)
A : Additional Width for
  • Lines larger than 450 NB.
  • For instrument cable tray
  • For Electrical cable tray. 
s : 300 mm (estimated average spacing)
     225 mm (if lines are smaller than 250 NB)

B : future provision
  • 20% of (f X n X s) + A
The pipe Rack width is limited to 6.00 Mtrs. If the width of rack calculated is more then the arrangement shall be done in multiple layers. Normally, 5 to 6 Mtr. spacing is kept in between the column of pipe rack.

Lines placement on the pipe rack

Process lines on lower level, utility lines on top level, instrument and cable trays on utility level or separate topmost level, Heavy lines near columns, Flare line outside rack on cantilever beams or inside rack above top level, steam lines with expansion loops on one side of pipe rack, line s with orifice runs on one side of rack beside columns for maintenance using portable ladder.




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Pipe Wall Thickness calculation





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  Stress Critical line list A  piping critical line  is a line for which a flexibility review is required to be carried out by a Piping Stre...

 Stress Critical line list

piping critical line is a line for which a flexibility review is required to be carried out by a Piping Stress Engineer due to temperature, weight, supporting arrangement, external loading, lines connection to strain sensitive equipment, vibrations, etc.

The criticality level will dictate the method of analysis for each of the lines.

  • Level 3 – Stress Critical lines – Comprehensive Computer Analysis Required
  • Level 2 – Non Stress Critical lines – Simplified or Computer Analysis Required
  • Level 1 – Non Stress Critical lines – No Analysis Required

Stress Critical Piping Lines

Lines classified as stress critical “Level 3” should undergo comprehensive computerized stress analysis in accordance with the following criteria.

  • 3” NPS and larger piping and design temperature ≥ 80 deg.C or ≤ 0 deg.C
  • 6” NPS and larger piping all lines

Comprehensive analysis should be also required for the following lines

  • 3” NPS and larger piping connecting to rotation machines
  • Piping connected to load/stress-sensitive equipment
  • 3” NPS and larger piping connecting to low allowable load nozzles (Air fin coolers, PCHE’s etc.)
  • 2” NPS or larger lines on pipe rack with branch connections to modules. (Expansion loop is preferred if the line is running on long pipe rack or long straight pipe)
  • Jacketed piping systems
  • Tie-in connection piping 3” NPS and larger for offshore facilities
  • Lines 3" NPS and larger with a wall thickness larger than 10% of the outside pipe diameter. (Typical water injection, gas injection and flowline circulation piping)
  • Thin wall piping of 20" NPS and larger with wall thickness less than 1% of the outside pipe diameter (Typical gas turbine power generator exhaust piping) Fiverr
  • All piping expected to be subjected to vibration due to internal and external loads such as pressure transients, slugging, and vortex shedding induced oscillation, high gas velocities, FIV, and acoustic vibrations of the pipe wall membrane.
  • Suction and discharge piping to and from reciprocating pumps and compressors
  • Piping that requires support for occasional loadings (e.g., seismic, wind, steam out, steam tracing)
  • Lines subjected to impacted forces caused external loads such as changes in flow rates, hydraulic shock, liquid or solid slugging and flashing
  • All 3” NPS and larger piping connected to pressure relief valves and rupture disks
  • All blowdown piping 2" NPS and larger excluding drains
  • All piping along the flare tower
  • Piping subjected to mixed phase flow (liquid and vapor) 
  • Piping requiring proprietary expansion devices (e.g., bellows expansion joints)
  • All piping above 3" NPS likely to be affected by movement of connecting equipment, structural deflection and hull deflection (hogging and sagging)
  • GRE piping 2" NPS and larger
  • All production and injection manifold piping up to the riser hang off
  • Lines with oblique connection to the header (ex: 45 degree branch connection to flare header)
  • Firewater lines (Main pipe ring and deluge)
  • Lines subjected to vacuum conditions
  • Lines subjected to severe cyclic temperature conditions (e.g. mole sieve regeneration)
  • Lines designated as high pressure as per ASME B31.3 Chapter IX
  • Seawater Lift piping systems
  • Other lines requested by the project owner, class society, the project spec or responsible pipe stress analyst to be categorized as critical

Non-Stress Critical Piping Lines

Lines that do not fall under stress critical group should be categorized as non-stress critical. These are further divided into two levels, Level 2 and Level 1. The support span for noncritical lines should be based on the piping support standards.

Level 2 Non-critical lines

The lines that fall under this category require pipe stress engineer review and approval. For these lines a simplified analysis should be carried out using graphical methods, span charts, expected thermal growth, and other accepted industry methods. The final piping isometrics drawings should be reviewed and approved by the pipe stress engineer. At the discretion of the pipe stress engineer, if a non-critical line warrants rigorous computer analysis then those lines can be upgraded to Level 3. Some of the typical Level 2 lines are:

  • All large bore lines operating at ambient temperatures & not covered in Level 3
  • Large bore utilities lines operating at ambient conditions
  • Lines that require pipe support load estimation and flange evaluation

Level 1 Non-critical lines

The lines that fall under this category require no formal stress analysis. The lines are usually field routed by experienced site engineers. These lines will undergo a visual check using engineering judgment and available support charts. Some of the typical Level 1 lines are:

  • NPS 2" and smaller
  • Non-hazardous lines

lines requested by the project owner, class society, the project spec or responsible pipe stress analyst to be categorized as critical







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